Events for 2024

 Future Dates

Dates for 2024 

July -          Wednesday 3rd July – Holiday club registration 6.00 – 6.30pm

                    Friday 5th July – ABR Quiz evening – at St Bernadette’s at 7pm

Saturday 6th July - Holiday club registration 10.00 – 11.00am

Wednesday 10th July - a town wide prayer event 7.30pm at Ashby Wesley

Saturday 13th July Church Anniversary evening event – tea at 5.30 and a concert by the St John’s singers at 7pm

Sunday 14th July – Church Anniversary services morning and evening – led by Mervyn

Monday 15th July - Pat will deliver ‘It’s your move books’ 1.30pm – 2.30pm to The Grange School

                    Sunday 21st July – Action for Children Sunday – Worship Leaders to lead service

August -     Sunday 4th August – Worship Leaders introduction to the Holiday club

August 5th – 10th - Holiday club (Tuesday to Friday for children)

August 25th - Bank Holiday weekend - section afternoon/evening service at Lea

Tuesday 27th August – Welcome service for Rev Debbie at Epworth 7.30pm

September – Saturday 7th September – All We Can coffee morning 10.00 – 11.30am

                       Sunday 22nd September – Male Voice Choir concert at 3pm

   Thursday 26th September Macmillan coffee morning

   Saturday 28th - Harvest Supper and Quiz for All we Can - to be confirmed

                       Sunday 29th September – harvest celebrations led by Rev McBean


October –      Saturday 19th October - Action for Children coffee morning 10.00 – 11.30am

   Sunday 27th October Time to Remember service at 4pm


November –   Sunday 10th November – Remembrance service – 10am

                        Saturday 23rd November – Musical concert

    Sunday 24th November – Gift service and Parade

    Saturday 30th November – Christmas quiz, carols and pizza evening 6pm


December –    Saturday 7th December - Christmas open day 10-12am, 2-4pm family event

     Thursday 12th December – Stars of Remembrance am, Carol singing and hot chocolate 6.30 for 7pm

     Sunday 22nd December – Dress up as a Nativity character 10.30am service

     Sunday 22nd December – evening carol service 5pm

     Tuesday 24th December –Christingle service at 5pm, Bethlehem service at 9pm

     Wednesday 25th December – Christmas service at 10.30am  

     Sunday 29th December – Section service at Ashby Wesley

     Tuesday 31st December – Toddler/Sibling event 9.30 – 11.30am

Dates for 2025  

                          Week for Christian Unity - 19th January suggested 4pm at Ashby Wesley – to be confirmed

                               Lego Exhibition Weekend Friday 21st & Saturday 22nd February

                              Lent 2025 - Face to face meetings at Ashby Wesley on a Wednesday evenings 7.30pm

                              5th March,  12th March, 19th March, 26th March, 2nd April, 9th April

                              Thursday 17th  April - Maundy Thursday Communion 2pm   

                              Saturday 12th April – Easter open day Easter egg hunt in church (pictures of the 12 stations of the cross outside church) family event

                              Palm Sunday 13th April and Holy Week 2025

                         Easter sunrise service at 6.30am,

                         Easter Breakfast at 9am

                         Chapel Anniversary – 13th July 2025 Rev Paul


                         Harvest – 28th September will be led by Rev Paul



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